👑King's Crown

Daily Yield: 15%

APY: 5475%

Locked Period: 90 Days

Minimum Investment Amount: 1000 ARB, 5 BNB

KING'S CROWN, our supreme staking plan, offers a royal daily yield of 15% over a 90-day term. Stake a minimum of 1000 ARB or 5 BNB tokens and let your wealth grow during the locking period, with rewards commencing as soon as you deposit. When the 90-day term concludes, your plan will expire, and you can reclaim your capital from the 'Earnings' section or choose to reinvest via our compound feature. KING'S CROWN is the go-to plan for investors eyeing high returns over an extended period.

By participating in any of these staking plans, your staked amount will be securely locked until the respective locking period ends. You can then conveniently withdraw your staked amount from the claimable earnings amount section, allowing you to access and utilize your funds as desired. AI Throne's staking plans ensure a clear and transparent process for staking, rewards generation, and withdrawal, enabling users to have full control over their staked assets.

Intensify Your Return Prospects with Compound Staking on AI Throne

Once you've staked your ARB tokens on AI Throne, the reward generation begins. As a user, you have the luxury to compound these earnings, enabling you to optimize your returns and expedite the growth of your earnings. Let's understand the compound staking process on AI Throne:

Staking and Earnings: Upon staking your ARB tokens in any of our plans, you start earning rewards proportional to your staked amount. These earnings are accessible in your 'Claimable Earnings' section.

Compounding Your Earnings: To compound your earnings, navigate to the staked plan where your rewards have been accumulating. Here, you'll find a 'Compound' button adjacent to your earnings.

Restaking Your Earnings: Specify your desired amount in the 'Stake Amount' box, using funds available in your 'Claimable Earnings'. By clicking the 'Compound' button, you can opt to restake your earnings. This action reinvests your earnings back into your chosen staked plan, being considered as a new investment. Remember, you can compound in each plan only if you've reached the minimum staking requirement for that specific plan.

Amplifying Your Returns: The magic of compounding kicks in as your restaked earnings generate additional rewards on a continuous basis. This compounding mechanism facilitates the exponential growth of your earnings over time, thereby amplifying your overall returns.

By compounding your earnings regularly, you harness the power of compounding, accelerating your wealth accumulation. The more often you compound, the more rapid the growth of your earnings, leading to enhanced financial rewards.

Compound staking on AI Throne enables you to make the most out of your staked amount and optimize your earnings. It's a user-friendly mechanism that allows you to effortlessly restake your earnings within the same plan, offering a seamless route to augment your staked amount and turbocharge your returns.

Last updated